What is KidzPacks?
KidzPacks is a nonprofit organization that provides weekend meals and snacks to Quincy Public School Pre-K - 5th grade students enrolled in the free lunch program. Approximately 56.7% of QPS students qualify as low income and are eligible to receive free/reduced lunches (2021). KidzPacks serves approximately 1,000 children each week. Our mission is to provide these students with readily accessible food options to take home over the weekends and during breaks from school. Students need healthy, enjoyable food choices they can prepare on their own.
Our children face many challenges in life and learning, but being hungry should not be one of them. We truly believe the best investment in our future is to invest in our children.
The cost to feed one child through our program each weekend over the course of the school year is $100. Please consider a donation to help us provide essential nutrition to the children in need in our community. Click the Donate button above to learn more about how monetary donations help support our mission.

Our program is powered by volunteers. Our volunteers pack bags of food every single week. Between sourcing,loading/ unloading and packing bags of food, we can always utilize extra hands! Click the Get Involved button above to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

Food insecurity is a growing problem in our community. Our program serves 1,000 children in need each week. A group of caring members from our community saw an unmet need and formed KidzPacks together. We invite you to learn more About Us and the impact we are making in childrens' lives every week.